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Birds of Paradise

1. With close reference to the text, compare and contrast the old Chief Rooster and the new Chief Rooster. (8m)


  • Both have same job 
    • They are both heads of security
    • Their job is to protect the chickens from the hawks

    • Both have the same protocols
      • They define "threatening" birds as birds who are different from chickens
      • They deal with these birds by forcing them to be similar to other chickens 
        • In Lani's case, it is to clip her wings
    • Both have the island's best interest at heart
      • They are intent on keeping the island safe
    • Both are paranoid about hawks
    • The old Chief Rooster was ruthless in punishing birds that he deems are different(i.e. hawks); the new Chief Rooster was hesitant when deciding to clip Lani's wings
    • The old Chief Rooster rejected any claims that there could be more than two types of birds; the new Chief Rooster conceded that there is the existence of sparrows
    • The new Chief Rooster is more liberal in accepting change; the old Chief Rooster persecuted any birds for their differences

      2. We must have freedom to do whatever we want. Discuss. (12m)

      First statement:

      • Freedom to pursue one's passion is important for us to achieve happiness
      • So long as nothing is harmed, this should be allowed

      • Lani likes to fly and tries hard to be good at it
        • Her flying causes no harm and instead, gives her as well as those who watch her joy
      • The oriole and the peacock enjoy singing and prancing respectively
        • Again, they cause no harm
      Second statement:
      • Unreasonable restrictions on what we can or cannot do may cause more harm than good
      • The chickens on the island are well cared for by a well designed system
      • However, there are many restrictions in place to preserve the aforementioned lifestyle in the name of security
      • Any bird that follows un-chicken-like behavior is automatically deemed a threat(hawk)
      • Those birds are tortured into submission despite doing nothing wrong which causes them great unhappiness

      Third statement:
      • Rigid rules stifle the progress of a community
      • The barbaric restrictions set by the old Chief Rooster limits the progression of the society on the island until they are ignorant
        • Case in point, the birds on the island are unaware that there are more types of birds than just chicken and hawks
        • The birds that are not born chickens do not even know the name of their species
      • Diversity is not celebrated as it should be
        • Before being captured in the submarine, Lani could not appreciate the oriole and the peacock's respective skills
        • Only when they started defying the restrictions set by the Chief Rooster, only did they realize their true beauty
