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Showing posts from December, 2016

The Tyger - William Blake

1. Explain how the persona is awed by the tyger "Tiger! Tiger! burning bright, / In the forests of the night" The tyger is so powerful it glows  Emits an aura of power "What immortal hand or eye, / could frame thy fearful symmetry ?" A god or a similarity powerful entity created the tyger "fearful symmetry" means deadly but beautiful like a real-life tiger "In what distant deeps or skies ?" "deeps" refer to hell "skies" refers to heaven The tyger originates from s supernatural place "Burnt the fire of thine eyes?" The tyger has some form of great power that can be seen in its eyes "What the hand seize the fire ?" "seize" means use "fire" refers to a source of power The tyger is forged from a dangerous source of power Also, the imagery is used as an analogy to a furnace "And what shoulder , and what art ? / Could twist the si

Winter - Andrew Young

1. With close reference to the text, describe how winter is portrayed as a season of beauty.  "He weaves  the scentless flowers of frost ." "weaves" imply intricacy in creation "flowers of frost" refer to snowflakes Each individual snowflake is unique in its structure "Spread out their naked traceries . " "traceries" are defined as a pattern of interlacing objects "naked traceries" refer to bare, leafless branches The naked tree branches form some sort of pattern against the sky (A visual picture of "their naked traceries" Photo credits to Onysha Boak, amateur photographer and BRATs journalist) "And in the night an amorous moon / Sings to the sea in a tender tune," It is implied that winter nights are very quiet since the moon can be heard "singing" Animals usually hibernate or migrate during winter which contributes to the quietness Also, the snow absorbs soun

Address to a Child During a Boisterous Winter Evening - Dorothy Woodsworth

1. With close reference to the text, explain how the wind is compared to an active and mischievous child. "He tosses  about in every bare tree" The wind is restless and energetic "But how he will come, and whither he goes, /  There’s never a scholar in England knows."  The wind goes everywhere and nobody knows where it is "And rings a sharp 'larum" The wind likes making loud noises to disturb others "Sometimes he'll hide in the cave of a rock," // "Yet seek him - and what shall you find in his place? / Nothing but silence and empty space" The wind likes to hide from others (hide and seek) Also, the wind likes to play pranks "in a corner, a heap of dry leaves, / That he's left," The wind likes leaving things around "he has been there, and made a great rout ," The wind is destructive " And growls as if he would fix his claws" The wind likes to

Daffodils - William Woodsworth

1. With close reference to the text, explain how the daffodils are personified in the poem. (8m) " When all at once I saw a crowd " Poet used a collective noun meant for humans Daffodils are regarded as people "Fluttering and dancing  in the breeze" // " Tossing  their heads in sprightly dance " Poet likens the movement of the daffodils in the wind to human action "They stretched  in never-ending line / Along the margin of a bay" Poet likens the numerous daffodils that grow along the bay to human action " The waves beside them danced , but they / Out-did the sparkling waves in glee" Poet insinuates that the flowers compete against the waves for attention "A poet could not but be gay / I such jocund company " Poet refers to the daffodils as friends ______________________________________________________________________ 2. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Discuss with close ref

My Syllabus

Here's the list of things I had studied and will be making posts on: Section A: Short Stories - Embracing Your Shadow - Thieving Daughter - Sambal without Anchovies - Turning Thirty* - Birds of Paradise - The Winter Hibiscus Section B: Novel - The Clay Marble* Section C: Drama - The Merchant of Venice* Section D: Poems - Daffodils* -To Autumn* -Address to a Child During a Boisterous Winter Evening -The Tyger - Winter* - Mooses NOTE: the * denotes the questions I had answered during the actual SPM examination 

About me

Hey guys, I am a recent high school graduate and a survivor of the horror show, also known as the 2016 SPM examinations. And yes, I am also one of the few who took Literature in English. In fact, I was the only candidate from my school for this subject and to be honest, I'm rather proud of that. The idea to start this blog came up when I was in the midst of sorting through my notes post-SPM. I couldn't exactly bear to throw everything I had away, considering the effort I made into procuring and making these notes in the first place. I'm not from a privileged school where resources for this subject are easily available. I had trouble finding a teacher and my eventual private(and expensive) tutor had no more clue about this niche subject than I did. So, I decided to share whatever I have managed to procure within the last eighteen months leading to the three-week hell to help out everyone out there who is in the same predicament as I was. While there are also many