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Recap Questions for Merchant of Venice

Act 1 
1. What causes do Salerio and Salanio suggest to be the reason for Antonio's melancholy?
They first assume that Antonio's ships have been wrecked and his fortunes lost. After Antonio assures them that his ships and fortunes are safe, they then infer that he is in love and obsessed with someone. However, Antonio denies this claim as well.

2. What advice does Gratanio offer Antonio?
Gratiano tells Antonio that his solemn disposition causes him to appear older than he actually is. Moreover, he cheekily suggests that Antonio should be more similar to himself who is often merry.

3. Why does Bassanio want Antonio to lend him more money?
Bassanio requires money to woo Portia as he wishes to impress her.

4. Why does Shylock hate Antonio?
Shylock hates Antonio because he lends money without interest which in turn, damages Shylock's business. Moreover, Antonio treats Shylock with disdain and verbally abuses Shylock. Once, Antonio even spat on Shylock.

5. Why does Shylock insist on the terms of his bond with Antonio even when it would not result in any financial gain?
Shylock has a deep-rooted hate for Antonio. When Antonio borrows money from Shylock, he is in a position of vulnerability and Shylock grasped the opportunity to impose himself upon Antonio.

Act Two
1. What are the caskets that Portia's suitors must pick from made of?
Gold, silver and lead

2. Why does the Prince of Morocco fear Portia will reject him?
He has a dark complexion which is not the norm in Venetian society.

3. What reservations does Bassanio have in bringing Gratiano along with him to Belmont?
Bassanio is worried that Gratiano's "wild" behavior would jeopardize his efforts in wooing Portia.

4. What is Jessica's dilemma concerning her father, Shylock?
Jessica is torn between her loyalty to her father and her love for Lorenzo. Ultimately, she decides to choose Lorenzo as she is ashamed to be Shylock's daughter and believes that by marrying Lorenzo only will she find happiness.

5. How does Shylock react to losing Launcelot as a servant to Bassanio?
He tells Launcelot that Bassanio will be a harder master

6. What news does Tubal bring Shylock?
He informs SHylock about his daughter's wherabouts and also claims that one of Antonio's ships from Tripolis has been wrecked. He also mentions that Jessica has spent a great deal of Shylock's money.

7. What joke does Launcelot play upon his father and why?
He lies to his father that his son, Launcelot has died. As the father is blind, he is fooled into believing Launcelot. Launcelot does this to humor himself.
Act Three
1. Why does Portia request Bassanio to wait before facing the challenge of the three caskets?
She feats that he would fail the challenge and will be forced to leave. She wants to have more time spent with him before he attempts the challenge.

2. Why does Portia allow Basanio to leave before they get married?
She understands Bassanio's conundrum and sympathizes Antonio's predicament.

2. According to Antonio, why won't the duke interfere to pardon him and save his life?
The duke is bound by law to uphold justice. He is unable to grant Antonio freedom without angering the foreign traders of whom are very powerful and important in Venetian society.
Act Five
1. What message does Stephano deliver to Lorenzo and Jessica?
Stephano informs them that Portia and Nerissa are returning from Belmont from the monastery and will arrive before dawn.

2. What opinion does Lorenzo hold of men who do not appreciate music?
He believes them to be dull, uninteresting and incapable of passion. He also adds that such men cannot be trusted as they are deceitful, cunning and opportunistic.

3. What does Portia prohibit her household from doing?
She insists that no one from her household reveal that she and Nerissa have been away from home.

4. To whom does Nerissa claim to believe Gratiano gave his ring?
Nerissa claims that Gratiano gave his ring to another woman

5. What does Portia threaten when Bassanio admits to giving his ring away?
She threatens to never go to bed with him until he produces the ring.

6. What does Portia claim she will do when she encounters the doctor whom Bassanio gave the ring to?
She claims that she will be as liberal as Bassanio himself and sleep with the doctor who saved Antonio's ring.

7. How does Antonio attempt to placate Portia?
He offers his soul as a bond in his promise that Bassanio will never break his vows again.


  1. Hi, Do you have any pass year question for 2016 & 2017 ?

    1. Hello there!

      The past year questions for 2016 are available on my blog at this link:

      On the other hand, the 2017 questions are available on another wonderful blog at this link:

      Hope this helps :)


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