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Winter Hibiscus - Minfong Ho

1. With close reference to the text, explain how Saeng and her family have adapted to their new life in America. (8m)

  • She has been living in America for the past four years
  • She speaks a mix of English and Laotian with her family
    • However, she feels more comfortable speaking in English
  • She still has not completely adapted to American culture
    • Her cultutrally conservative background is at odds with the more liberal and outlandish American culture
      • She feels embarassed while watching MTV
      • Thirteen year old Americans are more comfortable doing certain things than she herself is despite already being sixteen
  • She works extremely hard in her academics
    • She has never failed a test even when she first enrolled into school and knew not a word of English
    • She spent many nights with her mother translating English words into Laotian to understand better
  • Deep inside, Saeng feels homesick
    • She does not feel as if she truly belongs
      • This feeling is most apparent when she sees Lambert and his girlfriend together
      • She has flashbacks of her traumatic emigration to America
      • She buys a plant on an impulse that reminds her of Laos
    • The family plants typically "Asian vegetables" that cannot be found at local supermarkets
    • The family also went smelting in their first summer to have enough food during winter
    • Furthermore, they combed a golf course for worms to be sold to buy rice for the winter
    • By their second year, the family was off social welfare
    • Saeng's parents had been school teachers back in Laos but deigned to take up jobs such as a dishwasher and a janitor
    • They also enrolled into an English lessons programme sponsored by the state

    BONUS: an analogy 
    The tough and resilient winter hibiscus is transplanted from the nursery to Saeng's garden. This is similar to how Saeng family moved from Laos to America.
