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Additional Clay Marble Questions

1. With close reference to the text, describe Sarun after he has enlisted into the army. (8m)

2. With close reference to the text, describe the Nong Chan Refugee Camp. (8m)

3. With close reference to the text, explain the difference between the Nong Chan camp and Khao I Dang camp. (8m)

4. With close reference to the text, describe the clay village made by Jantu. (8m)

5. Hope is the only thing that keeps one surviving during difficult times.
Discuss this statement with close reference to the novel. (12m)

6. "In war, there is only loss, no gain."
Discuss this statement with close reference to the novel. (12m)

7. With close reference to the text, discuss Dara's journey of self realization. (12m)

8. The transformation of Dara from a little excited girl to a mature and responsible one is due to the difficulties she faced during the war. 
Discuss this statement with close reference to the novel. (12m)


  1. Hey can i have answers for this? Thank you!!! :)

    1. Hey there.

      Unfortunately, I'm not able to provide answers for these questions. However, I can guide you to answering them. Hit me up at

  2. can u more things about clay marble.such as summary according to the chapters


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