1. With close reference to the text, explain why the persona labels the moose as "goofy"
- "The goofy moose, the walking house frame,"
- House frames are usually large, sturdy and secured in place
- To contradiction supplied by the word "walking" implies an element of uncertainty
- e.g. the moose should not be as it is(goofy)
- "Is lost, In the forest"
- The moose showcases its idiocy by being capable of being lost in its own habitat
- "He bumps, he blunders, he stands."
- The moose is clumsy
- "He tries to think,"
- It is implied that it is difficult for the moose to think
- "He can't find the world! / Where did it go? What does a world look like?"
- The moose asks incredibly stupid questions
- "The moose / crashes on, and crashes into a lake, and stares at / the mountain and cries: 'where do I belong? This is no place!'"
- A forest, lake and mountain perfectly describes a moose's habitat
- Yet, the moose is unaware that he is where he 'belongs'
- "And charges the cackling underbrush"
- The moose takes out its frustrations by attacking inanimate objects
- "He meets another moose. He stares, he thinks: "It's only a mirror!"
- The moose does not recognize another member of its species
- Or worse, the moose is unaware that there are other mooses
- "And why am I so ugly? And why am I so far away from my feet?"
- The moose questions its own appearance
- Implies that it is unaware of how it should look like
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