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Showing posts from January, 2017

To Autumn - John Keats

1. With close reference to the text, explain why the persona says 'thou has thy music too' "Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?" Spring is usually depicted as a lively and joyful season Spring is when nature comes back to life Autumn is usually depicted as a solemn precursor to the dreaded, bitter Winter Persona is asking for happiness/beauty during a somber sunset where the day is dying "While barred clouds bloom the sof t-dying day" "In a wailful choir the small gnats mourn" "gnats" are flying insects Mourn the approaching winter Insects usually die or hibernate during winter "Full-grown lambs loud bleat from the hilly bourn" "Hedge-crickets sing; and now with trble soft" "The redbreast whistles from a garden-croft" "gathering swallows twitter in the skies" swallows migrate during winter Persona uses the sounds(or "songs") of autumn to pr

Mooses - Ted Hughes

1. With close reference to the text, explain why the persona labels the moose as "goofy" "The goofy moose, the walking house frame," House frames are usually large, sturdy and secured in place To contradiction supplied by the word "walking" implies an element of uncertainty e.g. the moose should not be as it is(goofy) "Is lost, In the forest" The moose showcases its idiocy by being capable of being lost in its own habitat "He bumps, he blunders, he stands." The moose is clumsy "He tries to think," It is implied that it is difficult for the moose to think "He can't find the world! / Where did it go? What does a world look like?" The moose asks incredibly stupid questions "The moose / crashes on, and crashes into a lake, and stares at / the mountain and cries: 'where do I belong? This is no place!'" A forest, lake and mountain perfectly describes a