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Showing posts from January, 2018

Textbook Giveaway

Hello everyone! I plan to give away the texts I've studied for the 2016 Literature in English SPM paper. I want to give these books away rather than recycling(or using them at a bonfire) because I personally went through a lot of trouble to source for them and it would be a shame to waste them if someone else were in my predicament. Poetry Short stories Novel Drama I had only kept them around in case I ever needed to refer back to them for additional analysis. However, I feel that I have shared all my knowledge and it would take a lot of effort to extract anything new so... yeah, in a way, this is the end of this blog =( I've always encouraged the taking up this subject for it is something very different to the other traditional subjects and brings many new perspectives to life. Perhaps this is the main reason I had put such effort into running this blog; so that students with passion are not deterred from a lack of studying materials. And I'm pr